David W.'s review of K2 Network

K2 Network

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 6/9/2009
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Review 6/9/2009
As i've been playing a game this company has the rights to for over four years (Knight Online), i realize that this company has a very BAD way of dealing with things. I have also played another one of their games (WarRock) and this game is also very....disapointing. Their game Knight Online is full of hackers/cheaters/dupers and bug abusers. K2 has done hardly nothing to resolve their problems, the very few things they do, are not very good. Recently they deleted all coins one EVERY character and EVERY account and EVERY storage that was over 1/2 of the total limit of coins because of a coin dupe that was going on. Very few people knew of this coin dupe and they took away coins that players earned LIGITLY. They do a horrible job with their custmor service, Automated replies ect... With their game Knight Online and WarRock, they come out with updates and or patches and within 1 hour of their update or patch, there are new hacks, new dupes, and new bugs that people abuse which make this game very unfair and very un-enjoyable for people who play LIGIT. This company uses half true slogans to lure people in to play their games and it is rediclious! Overall i would love to see this company suffer for the things they have done to people. All of the problems their games cause, also cause probles for people in their real life. Weather it is to spend $20 on one of their games and have all they paid for go to waste because of the poor quality of their game, or it be that the people who play for free get screwed over because of all the Bull Pucky that this company pulls. I just wanna see K2 get what they deserve.

And honestly, the only reason i think they have a B- on your Rating (the BBB rating) is because they Bribed you in some way or form. Because this company's games are rediclious and total B.S.
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Additional Business Information
Hours   Phone   (949) 870-3100 Address   14252 Culver Drive Suite A-355
Irvine, CA 92604
Website   http://www.k2network.net Email   SimaDemaree@gamersfirst.com
Contact   Sima Demaree Other  
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