Cuong N.'s review of K2 Network

K2 Network

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 4/3/2009
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Review 4/3/2009
Game play in most if not all of K2 released games are full of bugs and issues. K2 games are supposed to be free to play but you can not log on during peak hours, weekends or during events unless you pay for premium service to log on. The game Knights online keeps going down hill. In the game more then 90% of the gameing population is turkish kids who are rude and unable to comunicate in any other language. When problems arise in game and you are lucky enough to find a GM, the GM tells you to send in a cs ticket only to have cs tell you to find a GM in game and you just get bounced bck and forth with no help. or they tell you the level of your problem requires you to have premium to get help. But why whould you spend money on a character that is bugged and not working. Its like buying 10 galons of premiium gasoline for a old junker that has no engine and trying to justify it by saying you need gasoline to run.
The games customer service department should be able to provide better service and answers instead of automated replies and saying meaningless answers like " We are working on it" or "comeing soon for paying customers"
Usually soon means sometime in the distant future. k2 has been useing that slogan since the beggening but has yet to live up to their promises.
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