jason c.'s review of In-Home TV Service, Inc.

In-Home TV Service, Inc.

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 3/6/2010
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Review 3/6/2010
Business owner came to my house and said its the power supply. I gave him $60 for the estimate, which was to be deducted from the $225 total cost. He dropped off the television over a week later and I paid him the difference of $125. It worked for 1 hour then shut off. I called him and he said he would come back to pick it up the next day, which he did not. I had to call him and he said he'd be here the next day. He picked it up, had it another week or so. I always had to call him for an update because he never called when he promised to. He said there were some "components" of the power supply that was not working, he dropped it off and an hour later it didn't work. I called him back and he said he must have put a power supply in that is not working and would put in another. He picked up the television days later after calling and calling and him saying "I do have customers to take care of." He came by and asked me to come downstairs to get the television because he didn't have time to come to my door because he had to take his son somewhere, his son is and adult. Took it upstairs, didn't work! This is now a month of this. He said he ordered another part then said he needs more money! I demanded my money back and he said I'd have to wait because he's "busy with customers" and this is a "low priority". He then said he's going to deduct money from the $125 for labor, which I already paid and got back a broken tv. His business address is his home,claimed to have store front. THIS IS THE WORST CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE EVER.
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Hours   Phone   (954) 583-1182 Address   611 E. Melrose Circle
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312
Website   Email  
Contact   Hughey Breggs, Owner Other  
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