Ralph J.'s review of Adobe Systems Inc

Adobe Systems Inc

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 3/4/2010
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Review 3/4/2010
I have to agree with the rest of these reviews. Great software, lousy company. My suggestion is, if you have to cross platform, buy it from someone/somewhere other than the company and take the loss! At least you'll have both copies. The reason is that you may likely have an issue with the transfer, and when you do, you'll be faced with many hours of hassle that are worth WAY MORE than the money you would have spent trying to fix your problem. Plus, you'll be happy and sane, with no aggravation of dealing with the misery of their customer service. Here's what happened to me:
Bought PS4. Adobe OVERCHARGED me by almost $550!!! I called the very day of the error. They promised to fix & refund. I waited. Nothing. I called again, re-explained the entire situation. They had the refund amount wrong in the system (even though it was a simple error). They said they would fix it. I waited. Nothing. This went on for a month or 2. Finally I got a check for $500. Where's the rest of my dough?! The back and forth went on for another month. They STILL didn't have the amount owed correct and STILL never did anything without constant calling from me. Finally, after the BBB got involved, someone from Adobe actually contacted me suggesting they would try to resolve the problem. She said they would-as some sort of sick joke-offer me a 10% discount on FUTURE PURCHASES!! Great. If they paid me $5 an hour for the time I spent trying to get my money back, I could afford to buy the full suite of very overpriced product they sell.
By the way, as of this writing - 4 months after initial purchase - they still owe me about 50 cents...
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Additional Business Information
Hours   Phone   (408) 536-6000 Address   345 Park Ave
San Jose, CA 95110
Website   http://www.adobe.com Email   jtranber@adobe.com
Contact   Jeff Tranberry Other  
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